Mikado and Kida find three girls and a gang member bullying Anri Sonohara, a female student at Raira Academy. As Mikado thinks of a way to rescue her, Izaya walks by and pushes Mikado between Anri and the three girls. Izaya then scares the bullies away by breaking one of their cell phones. Afterward, Masaomi reluctantly introduces Mikado to Izaya. Izaya tells the two that he came to Ikebukuro to meet someone. Their conversation is interrupted by a flying trash can that hits Izaya. Shizuo Heiwajima appears and attacks Izaya. Several gang members show up to attack Izaya, but they wind up injured when they try to fight Shizuo. Izaya tries to escape, and Shizuo throws a vending machine at him. Simon Brezhnev, who works at the restaurant Russia Sushi, jumps down from a nearby building and stops the vending machine. Simon reveals that he was there delivering sushi. As Shizuo confronts Simon, Mikado and Anri run away, leaving Masaomi behind. They stop at a park, and she thanks him and runs off.